What Games Detect Cheat Engine

Destiny 2 PC Bans Detect Cheat Software for Any Game. However, the player did admit that they had a cheat engine installed on their PC to allow them to 'tinker' with other games. Rather than modifying the game code (which the game itself or a 3rd-party protection system may detect), some cheats modify underlying system components. An example of this is graphics driver modifications that ignore depth checking and draw all objects on the screen—a primitive wallhack.

Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) is an anti-cheat software product developed by Valve as a component of the Steam platform, first released with Counter-Strike in 2002. When the software detects a cheat on a player's system, it will ban them in the future, possibly days or weeks after the original detection. It may kick players from the game if it detects errors in their system's memory or hardware. Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) is an anti-cheat software product developed by Valve as a component of the Steam platform, first released with Counter-Strike in 2002. When the software detects a cheat on a player's system, it will ban them in the future, possibly days or weeks after the original detection. Sekiro was developed by FromSoftware and published by Activision. Like many other games, unlocking abilities is quite difficult and time-consuming. Furthermore, there are some features that are unavailable in this game, such as photo mode. Luckily, you can use Sekiro cheat engine or trainer to enable such features and unlock abilities easily. Rockstar rolls out new cheat detection systems in GTA Online Rockstar would like to remind everyone that cheating in Grand Theft Auto Online is a Very Bad Thing, and could result in a trip to the.

Anti-Cheat Toolkit (ACTk) was created to help you protect your Unity3D applications from cheaters & hackers (not from all obviously – skilled and well-motivated person can hack anything).

Feel free to check out tiny intro video and live WebGL Demo (best view in latest Chrome and Firefox)!

Obscured types (intro tutorial)


Plugin allows you to protect sensitive variables from all memory searchers (like Cheat Engine, ArtMoney, GameCIH on Android, etc.).
All basic C# types are covered plus few Unity3D-specific types implemented.

Each obscured type allows to set your encryption key (or use default one) and usually really easy to integrate. Here is a small example:

All obscured types have optional cheating detection (creates fake plain variable – “honeypot” for cheater, keeping all original variables safe)!
LINQ is not supported yet and Unity3D-specific types (like Vector3, etc.) do not mimic original types API, thus you need to cast them to regular types before making anything special.

Obscured Prefs (intro tutorial)


Plugin has ObscuredPrefs class which is going to help you secure all sensitive data you save. All you need to do to leverage its power – just replace regular PlayerPrefs with ObscuredPrefs in your code where you save sensitive data, that’s all (really)! Migration from PlayerPrefs to the ObscuredPrefs is fully automatic.
ObscuredPrefs allows to lock saves to device, reacts on saves tampering and supports few additional types comparing to PlayerPrefs.

Prefs Editor: edit PlayerPrefs and ObscuredPrefs!

View, find, edit, create, delete and encrypt decrypt prefs in one simple and intuitive window.
Great for prefs debugging during development.
Works on Win, Mac and Linux.
Has paging and processing progress bar for huge prefs collections.

Code Hashing

CodeHashGenerator generates hash of your runtime code both at Editor and Runtime. Thus you may validate your code is genuine by comparing current hash against genuine (on the web server side for example).
Hash is generated at the separate thread to avoid performance degradation.
Standalone Windows and Android are supported so far, more platforms are planned in future updates.

Speed Hack Detector (intro tutorial)

Feel free to use it to detect when cheater speeds up or slows down your game using Cheat Engine’s speed hack feature (some other speed hack tools could be detected too).
This kind of cheating can’t be avoided in Unity, you could react and ban nasty cheaters though.
Speed hack resistant timer included to let you make speed-hack resistant time calculations and animations.

Time Cheating Detector

This detector uses Internet connection to check the difference between local and online time to detect time cheating.
Such cheating is often used to speedup long-term processes, like building progress, energy restore, etc.

WallHack Detector (intro tutorial)

Games Cheat Engine Works On

This one detects 3 common types of the wallhacking:

  • shooting through the walls
  • walking through the walls
  • looking through the walls

Uses generic sandbox approach to determine wallhacks.

Injection Detector (intro tutorial)

This one allows to detect any managed DLL injection into your Unity3D app on PC (Win, Mac, Linux, WebPlayer) and Android.
Please read carefully all details in the plugin’s readme.

All detectors can be used both from code and Unity editor.

What Games Detect Cheat Engine

All currently implemented features were tested on different Standalone and Mobile platforms. Generally it should work fine on all Unity target platforms, if opposite is not declared in feature description or API docs.
Plugin compatible with code stripping, any .NET versions and works in IL2CPP.
Plugin has full API docs and detailed readme to let you get started quickly. It also has example scene with different usage examples (see at the WebGL demo).

Third-party plugins section

  • full Opsive’s Behavior Designer support
  • partial PlayMaker support (see forum)
  • storage backend at the Mad Level Manager
  • used in Stan’s Android Native asset
  • used in Stan’s Ultimate Mobile asset

Make sure to complement your setup with good code Obfuscator!


Full sources, full API docs and few pieces of my soul included.
Explore, learn, extend and build fully customized anti-cheat solution for your games!

Like it? Hate it? Please, be so kind and leave your review in Asset Store!

Feel free to visit ACTk’s threads on forums for extra information or if you just wish to ask something (links below).
Make sure to check readme.pdf after purchase, it contains samples, additional details and helpful pro-tips.

Current version: loading… [version history]

Where to go from here:

  • Check out at Asset Store or get cheaper as part of the Tools Bundle

How Do Games Detect Cheat Engine

P.S.: I wish to say special thanks to Daniele Giardini for great logos and all priceless feedback he provided about ACTk!
And I’d like to let you know about some must-have Unity3D content Daniele created, like DOTween tweening engine or DemiLib “Swiss knife” library, and you definitely should check out Goscurry – super fun, creative and addictive game!