Vectorman 2 Game Genie Cheats

Strategy Guide - Altered Beast
Strategy Guide - Comix Zone
Strategy Guide - Golden Axe
Strategy Guide - Golden Axe 2
Strategy Guide - Golden Axe 3
Strategy Guide - Ristar
Strategy Guide - Sonic The Hedgehog
Strategy Guide - Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Strategy Guide - Vectorman
Strategy Guide - Vectorman 2
Strategy Guide - Virtua Fighter 2

Input the following cheat codes into your Game Genie cartridge to initiate the corresponding effect. These codes also work on emulators with a cheat code/Game Genie functionality built in. Some effects have 2 different codes. One works, depending on which version of the game you have. Try the first one first (the most common version), Continue reading Game Genie Codes: Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

  1. Vectorman – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Vectorman on SEGA Genesis. Infinite Rocket – Boost Jumps AXKT-AA8C Weapons Don’t Run Out R0RA-N60Y All Health Power Ups Max Out Health RGNA-A61L Invincible AL8A-AA72 Timer Counts Down Half As Fast R8PT-AAB8 Infinite Time F4PT-AA3T Collect 1 Bolt For Maximum Bolts RGSA-A6VT.
  2. Vectorman 2 (Genesis). Full health: Pause game play and press B, A, B, A, Left, Up(2).New weapons: Pause game play and press C, A, Left(2), Down, A, Down repeatedly until the sound of the orb weapon stops. Press Start to resume game play as a Fireant. Repeat this code to transform into the Shield Bug.
  3. The Megadrive section has been updated at Sunday, April 19, 2020. It contains 2 cheats and codes for 2 games. You may also navigate our complete games list. To get a list for all the games contained in Megadrive. This list may be long, so it is not advised.
Corey Feldman Interview
Astro Blaster arcade version

Successfully complete Episode 1 of Comix Zone to unlock the arcade version of Astro Blaster.

Eliminator arcade version

Successfully complete Level 2 of Altered Beast to unlock the arcade version of Eliminator.

Space Fury arcade version

Reach the bonus stage in the first level in Ristar to unlock the arcade version of Space Fury.

Super Zaxxon arcade version

Unlock and play every Genesis and arcade game once to unlock the arcade version of Super Zaxxon.

Tip Top arcade version

Collect one Chaos Emerald in Sonic The Hedgehog to unlock the arcade version of Tip Top.


Play the indicated game once to unlock the corresponding interview:

    Shun Nakamura: Sonic The Hedgehog 2
    Tohru Yoshida: Phantasy Star 2
    Yuji Uekawa: Sonic The Hedgehog

Play the indicated game(s) once to unlock the corresponding trailer:

    Phantasy Star Universe: Phantasy Star 2, 3, and 4
    Virtual Fighter 5: Virtual Fighter 2

Altered Beast

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.

Options menu

At the title screen, hold B and press Start. An options menu will appear.

Level select

Enable the 'Options menu' code. Select a level from the options menu and hold A + Start at the title screen to begin game play at that location.

Beast select

At the title screen, hold A + B + C + Down/Left and press Start. A menu that allows selection of the beast for each round will appear. Use the D-pad to change beasts and Start to exit the menu.

Sound test

At the title screen, hold A + C + Up/Right and press Start.

Continue game play

After losing a life, hold A and tap Start until restarting at the last game location played.

Comix Zone

Hidden moves
    Shoulder Ram: Press Away, Towards + Action.
    Thrusting Kick: press Down, Up + Action.
Sketch fart

Defeat all enemies in a room, then repeatedly tap Down. Alternately, hold Down and attack an enemy.

Sega comment

Pause the game and wait until Sketch says 'Sega'.


Bonus picture

Successfully complete rounds one through ten in under twenty seconds and receive a perfect score in each bonus round to accumulate over 240,000 points. A picture of a girl in a bikini will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.

Round select

Begin a new game and hold Up + X + Circle + Start before the first round appears. Release the buttons at the 'Round 1' screen. Press Up or Down to select a starting round.

Golden Axe

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.

Level select

At the character selection screen in Arcade mode, hold Down/Left + B and press Start. A number that corresponds to the starting level will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the D-pad to change this value.

Nine continues

Select Arcade mode, then hold Down/Left + A + C. Release the buttons and press Start.

Two player mode

Press Start on controller two in Arcade, Beginner, or Duel mode.

Golden Axe 2

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.

Level select

At the introduction screen, hold A + B + C and press Start. Release B and C, but continue to hold A during the remainder of this code sequence. Highlight the 'Option' selection and press B + C. Highlight the 'Exit' selection and press B + C. Highlight your choice for the number of players and press B + C. Highlight the 'Normal' game mode and press B + C. Highlight a character and press Up + B + C + Start. A number that corresponds to the starting level will appear. Release the A button. Press A or B to change the starting level and press Start to begin the game.

Extra continues

At the title screen, highlight the 'Options' selection, then hold A + B + C and press Start. Release A, but keep B and C pressed. Select the game options, including normal game mode, and exit the options menu. Eight credits should be available on the player selection screen.

Full magic

Enter the options menu and select the 'Special Magic' option. Begin the game and hold A when the music for the Bosses on levels 1 to 4 begins to play. Defeat the Boss while holding A. Release the button when the screen turns black and your character will be transported to the bonus level. Do not press any buttons or move the D-pad. When the next level begins, player one will cast a spell that will increase the magic points to 255. Note: Do not use more magic points than what your character normally is allowed to use. Doing so may freeze the game.

Golden Axe 3

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.

Level select

Select a character, then quickly press A(4), Start, C(5) before Level 1 begins to display the level selection screen. Press Up or Down to select a new level, then press Start to begin the game.


Level select

Enter 'ILOVEU' as a password.

Configuration mode

Enter 'MAGURO' as a password.

Time attack mode

Enter 'DOFEEL' as a password.

Boss mode

Enter 'MUSEUM' as a password.

Expert mode

Enter 'SUPER' or 'SUPERB' as a password.

Reveal items

Enter 'MIEMIE' as a password. A silver star will appear during the game in locations where you can collect a bonus life, gold star, or treasure.

View credits

Enter 'AGES' as a password.

Disable all codes

Enter 'XXXXXX' as a password.

Sonic The Hedgehog

Cheat mode

At the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Then, hold the button that corresponds to A and press Start to enter the level selection and sound test screen.

Debug mode

At the title screen, press Up, Circle, Down, Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Up, Circle, Down, Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Circle. Then, hold Square and press Start. Begin a game, then press X to enter debug mode.

All Chaos Emeralds

At the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Hold Square and press Start. Choose your starting level. When you get to the main game, press Start then press Square to return to the title screen. When Sonic starts to appear, press Up, Circle, Down, Circle, Left, Circle, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Hold Square + Start to access the level selection screen. Highlight the Special Stage. Hold Square + Start when begin, and hold the buttons until game the starts. You can go into debug mode and float over to the Emerald. Repeat until you have them all. Then during the actual game, enable Debug mode and zip through them all. This is the easiest way to finish with all Chaos Emeralds.

Enable the 'Cheat mode' code. Select the 'Bonus level' option on the level selection screen. Obtain the Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and repeat the process until all of them are in your possession. Allow the game to continue after obtaining the last Chaos Emerald to start in the Green Hill Zone.

Bonus points

Complete Green Hill Zone 1-1 or 1-2 in 29 seconds or less to receive 50,000 bonus points.

Infinite lives

Collect the extra life at the very bottom of Green Hill Zone - Act 3. Accumulate 100 rings to obtain another extra life. Collect a third extra life located at the top of the loop-the-loop. Intentionally lose a life and repeat the process.

Special Zone entrance

You can almost always have the Special Zone entrance open (the giant ring next to the sign at the end of level Acts 1 and 2) by not losing your rings. If you do lose your rings, when you pass a checkpoint, intentionally die, then continue through the level without losing any rings. This works about 80% of the time.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Level select

Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Choose sounds 19, 65, 9, and 17 (in that order). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Hold Circle and press Start. Hold Square and press Start when Sonic and Tails appear at the title screen.

Debug mode

Enable the 'Level select' code. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Select any starting level, then hold Square + Start until game play begins. Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining. Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding debug code. Note: This code may only be enabled when playing as Tails alone.

Level editor

Enable the 'Debug mode' code. During a game, press the button configured as 'B' on the Genesis. Sonic should become an object somewhere on the level. Press the button configured as 'C'. You can 'paste' that object in the level. Press the button configured as 'B' again to resume the game. Press the button configured as 'A' on the Genesis while editing the level to change the object. You can also move the object in the air, etc. to truly make your own challenge. Also, you can move across obstacles and turn back to Sonic to cut points in the level.

Play as Super Sonic

At the title screen, press Up and access the 'Options' screen. Go to 'Sound Select' and listen to sounds 19, 65, 9, 17 (in that order.). Hold Circle + Start to return to the title screen. Hold Square + Start to go to the level select menu. Go to the new sound select and listen to sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order). Now, listen to sounds 4, 1, 2, 6 (in that order). You should hear the Emerald sound effect. Highlight your level, then hold Square + Start. Keep the buttons held until game play begins. Turn into a ring, appear overlapped with Tails, and keep spawning rings directly where he is standing. When you have set 50 rings into him, turn back to normal and jump to become Super Sonic.

Enable the 'Level select' code. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 4, 1, 2, 6 (in that order). Start a stage, collect 50 rings, then jump to transform into Super Sonic.

Extra continues

Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Choose sounds 01, 01, 02 and 04 (in that order), then press Start. You will begin the game with fourteen continues.

Tails name changed to Miles

At the title screen, press Up(3), Down(3), Up. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Tails' name will be changed to 'Miles'. Note: The opposite will occur in the Japanese version of the game.

No time

Press Start and hold X. Use Circle to jump and there will be no music. Your time will now stay at 0:00.

Super Tails and Super Sonic

Enable the 'Level select' and 'Debug mode' codes. Then, start any level and get 50 rings. You can use the 'Turn into a ring and give them to Tails' trick. When you turn into Super Sonic, use debug mode to turn into a television. It should be a 'switch' television from versus mode when you place it. If you break it, you will see a brief glitch, which will not effect the game. You will see everything return, with one small difference. You will still have Super Sonic's appearance, but he plays like Sonic with regular speed, normal jumps, etc. Tails, however, has Super Sonic's power and cannot be 'hurt'. This will last for however many rings you had when you hit the television; start when you have at least 100 rings. Then, hurt yourself so that you lose all your rings and you will lose Super Sonic's appearance. Then, use the trick to get fifty rings again and jump. You should now have Super Sonic and Super Tails.

Mega Sonic

Collect fifty rings and jump after becoming Hyper Sonic for even more speed and higher jumps.


Vectorman 2 Game

Enable the 'Level select' and 'Debug mode' codes. Then, go to Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 or 2. Transform into the default ring, then press Square(4) to become an invisible object. You will be a waterfall. Place waterfalls by constantly pressing A from where you start to over by the 'coconuts' enemy in the tree . You will eventually see the life counter in the corner change to Ashura's. Turn Sonic into himself again and he should come out as Ashura, his brother. You can change his color by continuing to place waterfalls; if you watch the life monitor, you will see the changes in color.

Infinite lives

Enable the 'Level select', 'Play as Super Sonic', and 'Debug mode' codes and enter any stage. Get fifty rings and turn into Super Sonic. Change Sonic into the television monitor. Change Sonic back and have him jump to turn into Super Sonic. Jump on the television monitor to have Tails become invincible. Then, turn into an enemy and put it right on tails while he is invincible. Continuously place the robots there, and they will be destroyed because Tails is invincible. You should get lots of points, which adds up to extra lives.

Infinite speed shoes

Begin a game in two player vs. mode and hit as many item boxes as possible until you get the speed shoes. Then, intentionally lose your life while you have them (getting squashed is the easiest way). You will return to the start of the level or the last Star Post that you hit, but you will now have the speed shoes in effect for the rest of the stage.

Super Sonic sign

Get all of the Chaos Emeralds and transform into Super Sonic. Try to have at least fifty rings when you finish the level. After completing the level, run off screen and wait until the end-of-level sign shows Sonic. When it does, transform into Super Sonic. The sign will show Super Sonic for one second, then show blue Sonic again.

Starry Super Sonic

Get all the Chaos Emeralds and collect fifty rings, but do not transform into Super Sonic yet. Find an invincibility monitor and spin (do not jump) into it. Then, transform into Super Sonic. If done correctly, the stars will surround Super Sonic until he runs out of rings and transforms back into blue Sonic. Note: This does not improve Super Sonic's performance.

Stronger Super Sonic

Enable the 'Level select' and 'Debug mode' codes. Go to Oil Ocean (either act). Become Super Sonic, then stand on one of the green/yellow colored cylinders. Jump on it, but as soon as you hear it break, go into debug mode. You should be thrust upward, even in your debug state. Then as soon as you regain traction, exit debug mode. You should now be able to jump twice as high and fast.

Flames follow Sonic

Enable the 'Debug mode' code. You can also enable the 'Play as Super Sonic' code, if desired. Go to Death Egg Zone and defeat the two bosses. When you defeat the giant egg robot, turn into a ring instead of running all the way out. Go into the area where flames appear. Go back to where you battled the egg robot. Flames should follow you where ever you go.

Wing Fortress shortcut

In Wing Fortress, move with some rings as far to the right as possible without climbing. When blades appear to block your way, hit them. As soon as you are invincible, walk through them. Jump on the platforms to the right and half the level will be completed.

Bonus pointsCheats

For extra points, pass any zone in a certain amount of time. For the best bonus, enter the 'Debug mode' code. The clock will stop and you will always score a 50,000 bonus.


Shinobi 3

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.


At the options menu, choose the 'S.E.' selection. Press B to play the 'He Runs', 'Japonesque', 'Shinobi Walk', 'Sakura', and 'Getufu' songs (in that order).

Vectorman 2 Online

Infinite weapons

At the options menu, set the 'Shurikens' selection to 0. Set the 'Sounds' option to 'Shuriken'. Highlight the 'Shurikens' option again and the 0 will change into the symbol for infinity.

Bonus points

Successfully complete a level without throwing any shurikens to receive a 30,000 point bonus.


Cheat mode

At the Vectorman options menu, press Square, X(2), Square, Down, Square, X(2), Square. Another options screen with level, health, lives, and power-up weapon settings will appear. Note: The good ending cannot be achieved if cheats are enabled.

Level warp

Move Vectorman below the Sega logo screen and shoot it 24 times. Jump and hit the logo with Vectorman's head 12 times. The phrase 'Get Ready' will appear, then each letter in 'Sega' will begin to fall. Collect 90 to 109 letters to warp to level 5. Catch 110 or more to warp to level 10.

Full health

Pause the game and press Square, X, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Square, X, Right, Square.

Free movement

Pause the game and press Circle, Square, Left(2), Square, Circle, Square, X. Vectorman will transform into a cursor that can be moved to any location in the level. Opponents, except for Bosses, are eliminated if they are touched by the cursor. Repeat this code to disable its effect. Note: Enable this code when Vectorman is a bomb for invisibility and invincibility for the remainder of the level.

Slow motion

Pause the game and press Down, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Left, Square. The game will slow down when Vectorman is hit. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Level bonuses

Successfully complete a level without shooting any targets for a point bonus. Successfully complete a level without using photons for a photon bonus.

Vectorman 2

Level select

Pause the game and press Up, Right, Square, X, Square, Down, Left, Square, Down.

Full health

Vectorman 2 Game Genie Cheats Age Of Empires 2

Pause the game and press X, Square, X, Square, Left, Up(2).


Pause the game and press Circle, Square, Left(2), Down, Square, Down repeatedly until the sound of the orb weapon stops. Press Start to resume the game as a Fire Ant. Repeat this code to transform into a Shield Bug. Note: Playing the bonus rounds as a Shield Bug will result in invincibility.

Extra life

Pause the game and press Right, Up, X, Square, Down, Up, X, Down, Up, X.

Display map coordinates

Pause the game and press X, Square, Left(2), or X, Square, Left, Down, or Left, Up, Square, Up.

Virtua Fighter 2

Note: Button presses are described in Genesis format.

Hidden options

Enter the options screen, highlight the 'Exit' selection, then tap Left until the hidden options are displayed.

Vectorman Sega Cheats

Play as Dural

At the character selection screen, hold Left until the countdown reaches 'One'. Dural will appear as a selection.

No damage

While highlighting player one's life selection at the options screen, hold B until the message 'No Damage' appears. Then, press Start.

Extended character selection time

At the character selection screen, press Down, Up, Right, A + Left for 99 seconds of time.

Alternate costumes

Vectorman 2 Game Genie Cheats Codes

At the character selection screen, press Down + A, Up + A, Down + C, or Up + C.

Genesis Collective Offline
The Big Book of Game Genie Codes
Make your own Geneis Game Genie Codes
Sega Genesis/Sega CD Import FAQ by Trevor Wilson
(Game Genie Region Bypass Codes)
688 Attack Sub
AAAHH!! Real Monsters
Addams Family, The
Adventures of Batman and Robin, The
Aero the Acro-bat
After Burner II
Air Buster
Aladdin, Disney's
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien 3
Alien Soldier
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Aquatic Games Starring James Pond, The
Arcus Odyssey
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf
Arrow Flash
Atomic Robo-Kid
Back to the Future Part III
Bare Knuckle III
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam!
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam 2!
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Batman: Revenge of the Joker
Battle Squadron
BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat
Beavis and Butthead, MTV's
Bimini Run
Bishojou Senshi Sailor Moon S
Blaster Master 2
Bonanza Brothers
Boogerman: A Pick & Flick Adventure
Boxing Legends of the Ring
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
Buck Rogers: Countdown To Doomsday
Bulls vs. Lakers and the NBA Playoffs
Burning Force
Caliber .50
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Centurion: Defender of Rome
Chester Cheetah: Wild, Wild Quest
Columns III
Comix Zone
Contra: Hard Corps
Cool Spot
Crack Down
Death and Return of Superman, The
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
Dick Tracy
DJ Boy
Donald in Maui Mallard, Disney's
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Dragon's Fury
Dune: The Battle for Arrakis
Dynamite Duke
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco: The Tides of Time
ESWAT: City Under Siege
Eternal Champions
Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing
F22 Interceptor
Faery Tale Adventure, The
Fatal Fury
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Labyrinth
FIFA International Soccer
Fire Shark
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Forgotten Worlds
Formula One
Gain Ground
Garfield: Caught in the Act
Gauntlet IV
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Greatest Heavyweights
Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude
Gunstar Heroes
Heavy Nova
Herzog Zwei
Immortal, The
Incredible Hulk, The
Insector X
James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing
James Pond: Underwater Agent
James Pond II - Codename: Robocod
Joe Montana Football
Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football
John Madden Football
John Madden Football '92
John Madden Football '93
John Madden NFL '95
John Madden NFL '96
Judge Dredd
Jungle Book, Disney's The
Jungle Strike
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Kid Chameleon
King's Bounty
Krusty's Super Fun House
Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
Last Battle
Lethal Enforcers
Lion King, The
M-1 Abrams Battle Tank
Mario Lemieux Hockey
Marvel Land
Maximum Carnage, Spider-Man and Venom:
Mazin Saga Mutant Fighter
Mega Turrican
Menacer 6-Game Cartridge
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Mick and Mack as the Global Gladiators
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
Micro Machines
Midnight Resistance
Might and Magic: Gates to Another World
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mike Ditka Power Football
Monster World IV
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat 3
Ms. Pac-Man
MUSHA: Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor
Mutant League Football
Mutant League Hockey
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana
NFL Quarterback Club '96
NFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana
NHL Hockey
NHLPA Hockey '93
Pat Riley Basketball
PGA Tour Golf
PGA Tour Golf II
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Pirates of Dark Water, The
Pit Fighter
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Primal Rage
Prime Time NFL Football Starring Deion Sanders
QuackShot Starring Donald Duck
Quad Challenge
Race Drivin'
Raiden Trad
Rambo III
RBI Baseball 3
RBI Baseball 4
RBI Baseball '93
RBI Baseball '94
Revenge of Shinobi, The
Road Rash
Road Rash II
Road Rash 3
Robocop versus Terminator
Rockman Megaworld/Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Rolling Thunder 2
Saint Sword
Separation Anxiety, Spider-Man/Venom:
Shadow Blasters
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Knuckles
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Space Invaders '91
Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Splatterhouse 2
Splatterhouse 3
Star Control
Star Flight
Stimpy’s Invention, The Ren & Stimpy Show in
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Street Smart
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Strider Returns
Super Hang-On
Super Monaco GP II, Aryton Senna's
Super Street Fighter II
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers
T2: The Arcade Game
Target Earth
Task Force Harrier EX
Taz in Escape from Mars
Team USA Basketball
Tecmo Super Bowl
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The HyperStone Heist
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Terminator, The
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Thunder Force II
Thunder Force III
Thunder Force IV
Thunder Fox
Tick, The
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure
ToeJam and Earl
ToeJam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Toki: Going Ape Spit
Tommy Lasorda Baseball
Toy Story
Trampoline Terror
Triple Score: 3 Games in 1
(Super Hang-On, World Championship Soccer, Columns)
Trouble Shooter
Twin Cobra
Two Crude Dudes
Ultimate Qix
Urban Strike
Valis III
Vapor Trail
Virtua Racing
VR Troopers
Whip Rush
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage
World Championship Soccer
World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
World Series Baseball
WWF Super Wrestlemania
X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys
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Zany Golf
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