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Get the latest Spiderman 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Spiderman 3.
Street Crime
If you want to find random Street crime just useyour spidey sense and the bad guys will be in redand civilians will be in green.
Swing Really High Above The City
Around NYC there are buildings that haveconstruction going on. Or other buildings haveareas where you can swing under them with placessticking out so that you'll be under it. Thehigher the area on the building the bigger swingyou'll get. Now do this. If you get right underthat object such as a construction lift, once youthink you are under it and not crawling press upon the D pad. Spiderman will shoot his web upand hand from it upside down. Now simply makespiderman hang upside down and start making yourway down the web as close to the ground aspossible. Once you are all the way you can gowithout standing, simply press the LT button andit'll make spiderman start to swing really fast,you can press it as many times as you want, andyou can keep going in circles way high above thecity. You'll be up as high as when you start askydiving mission, however if you press a buttonto make him let go of his web, you'll be reallyhigh above NYC free falling with a breath takingview.
Beating Apocalypse Gang - Part 3
The first part is easy. But when you get to thebomb part with the van,defeat the thugs and thenuse spidey sense to find the switches. Whendefeating the main guy, swing him over thefence, and he dies automatically.
Spidey Slingshot
Go to the Daily Bugle and there are two smokepipes press X next to them and then rapidlypress down on the left stick. Spiderman willsling-shot into a lake at Central Park
Kingpin Battle
Hit yellow twice and then when the punch icon shows up above Kingpin's head, hold LB until he misses. after that, hit yellow instead of blue to do the Hurricane Counter move. This damages him, unlike most moves and raises Spiderman's rage. When a rage attack is available, use it and keep hitting yellow. This should knock out kingpin more quickly.
How To Make Spiderman Go The Highest Possible
If you do this right you'll make spiderman golike two times as high as the Empire Statebuilding. It may take some time, but start bygoing to any bridge. I suggest the RooseveltIsland and Queensboro bridge. Keep close to thebridge and wait for a yellow marker to come up,showing a crime is taking place near by. Go tothe crime, and take care of it. Meaning completeit, beat up the thug, carjacker, etc. Rememberthe closer to the bridge the better. Once youstopped the crime a few seconds later your xbox360 automatically saves the game for you whileyou are playing. This is where there is a loophole. But immediately after you stop the crime,start swinging to the bridge, then head away fromRoosevelt Island. Normally there is a barrierthat makes spiderman bounce back to the city. Soswing to where it bounces you back to the city,but be patient and your game will read saving inthe lower right hand corner of the screen. If itkeeps bouncing you back, keep trying til the gamesaves and then Wa lah, you can go further. Onceit's done saving it'll throw you back to thecity. Sometimes lifting you so very high thatthe city gets small and you can see everything,other times you'll just be pushed back to theisland at somewhat of a high level. I found thatby swinging or jumping right when it bounces youback helps you go really high. Its a fun way togo SPLAT!
Great Height Picture
Climb to the top of the empire state and snap ashot of the streets and there goes thatachievment.
Video Game Cheats Cheat Codes For Xbox 360 Iso
Play As Venom
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In game play pause the game and go into the playable characters section, then press A, Y, B, X, RB, LB. If you hear a noise then go to the black spider man suit and play as him.
Xbox 360 Game Cheats Code
Unlimited Health
Press Up, Up, Up, A, Down, Down, Down, A, Up, Up, Up, RT, Y.
Last Cinteractive
Cheat Code For Xbox 360
In this sequence, press up, A, left, A, A, B, LB,X, LB, Y, RT. If you successfully complete thissequence, you will trigger a cinamatic thatfinishes the game.
Unlock Black Costume
To unlock this costume, you have to beat thegame. Then go to the start menu and selectplayable characters and select 'Black suitedspider-man'.
Dark Reward
This achievement is awarded when you beat thestory mode with regular spidey.
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We have no achievements or trophies for Spiderman 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.